
Thebezify Shipping & Order FAQs

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on the shipping method (air, sea, or land) and product weight/volume. We partner with various shipping companies to offer the best rate, ensuring affordability and efficiency. For more details, please contact us directly.

What is Buyer Protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees provided by Thebezify that ensures you can shop with confidence on our website.

You are protected when:

  • The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised.
  • The item you received was not as described.
  • The item you received was assured to be genuine but was fake.

Where's My Order/How Long Does Shipping Take?

Shipping times vary, but rest assured, your order is on its way. We work diligently to ensure timely deliveries, but delays may occur. If you do not receive your order within the promised time frame, we will reship your item at no additional cost.

Only Part of My Order Arrived, Where's the Rest?

Most orders arrive in multiple packages to ensure the quickest delivery. If you have received only part of your order, please be patient; the rest is on its way and will arrive within the delivery timeframes.

Where Do You Guys Ship From?

Thebezify products are shipped directly from our quality manufacturers' warehouses overseas. This allows us to offer you significant savings on shipping costs, making our products even more accessible.

What's Your Return/Refund Policy?

We handle returns and refunds on a case-by-case basis. If your item arrives damaged, or if there was an error in your order, please contact us immediately for a resolution. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase.

Can I Cancel My Order?

Once an order has been placed and processed, it cannot be canceled. However, you can return the item according to our return policy once you receive it.